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Relaxation salon mycocoをご利用いただくお客様へ






Cancellation Policy

To our valued customers,

Please note that relaxation salon mycoco operates strictly on an appointment basis.

Being a private salon, we have a limited capacity to accommodate guests each day. We are dedicated to ensuring that every customer enjoys their precious time in a comfortable and relaxing environment.

There is no cancellation fee if you notify us by the day before your appointment.










・術後3ヶ月未満の方 (3ヶ月を経過していても担当医師から禁じられている方)



・ペースメーカーを装着されてる方 (担当医師の許可があれば可能)











Relaxation notes (please read before booking)

For the safety of our customers, we apologize for the inconvenience, but we do not offer treatments to those who have the following symptoms.

・People who have been drinking alcohol

・Those with infectious dermatitis, athlete's foot, or skin inflammation

・Pregnant women

・Those who are undergoing treatment for a neoplastic disease or have been completely cured for less than 3 months

・Those who are undergoing treatment for internal organs disease or less than 3 months after complete recovery

・Vascular disorders (severe hypertension, arterial/varicose veins, etc.)

・Those who are less than 3 months post-surgery (Those who are prohibited by their doctor even after 3 months have passed)

・Injured (those with inflammation or muscle strain such as burns, bruises, sprains, etc.)

・Those with specific diseases

・Persons with a pacemaker (possible with permission from the attending physician)

・Persons receiving artificial dialysis

・Those who have just finished eating

・Those who are not feeling well (fever due to cold, influenza, sunstroke, heat stroke, severe skin disease, etc.)

・Vaccination within 1 week

(※If something is discovered during the treatment, we may suspend the treatment. note that.


Our shop will only perform treatments for those who agree to the following. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Our treatments are for the purpose of relaxation and are not intended for treatment.

Please note that we will not be responsible for refunds or liability if you become unwell after the treatment.

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